Has your garden got out of hand for some time and is overgrown?
Then a good whole blitz is just what you need. These big jobs comes in all shapes and sizes however always look great once completed!
Front And Back Garden Blitz
The customer had only just moved into this home; prior to moving in they contacted me in order to have the garden gutted so they can have a blank canvas to work on and potentially be able to judge whether it is worth putting new shrubs/plants in and extending the lawn (less maintenance). Both gardens were surrounded by large long borders that were packed with shrubs, flowers, weeds, and ivy. After I had removed all vegetation from the borders the soil needed to be turned and all the rubbish (roots etc) sieved out, so I rotovated every part of the borders until the soil was clean and very fluffy/fine. Finally I mowed the lawn to tidy all bits up. I managed to complete this whole job within a 10.5 hour shift with the customer being very pleased. Old tree stumps still remain at the back but are to be used a makeshift bird tables.
Big Back Bramble Garden Blitz
Before I started this job I couldn't see the ground or really even get into the garden. The garden had not been tended too in a long time and the brambles were out in full force; the side gate was not accessible so we had to cut a path in order to get into the garden (seen in the last picture). After all the brambles were cut back I then dug every possible root out that I could find in order to prevent them coming back. The hedges were the cut back, the apple tree was pruned and I also removed come old shrubs. By the end of the day the garden was very bare and tidy.
Back Garden Hedge And Lawn Make-Over
This garden was in desperate need of being revamped. For this I cut back the mess, trimmed all small trees and hedges, and also tidied the lawn.
*Note, I did not do the landscaping or the new fences, path and patio*
I have included this to help show the transformation.
Although this is a small garden when the hedges are all trimmed it is quite ornamental. Very pleased customer.
Front Garden Revamp
This was a small front garden revamp, here it may look like a small area however it had never been properly dug out and cut back so there was a huge amount of root growth from various plants. The roots took a day alone to dig out, with plenty of waste involved. After turning the soil I rotovated the soil to make it fine and fluffy. I removed a few shrubs such as Hydrangeas and Roses and also trimmed cut the Mock Orange, Hebe and roses. The Rowan tree had become smothered between the two other trees so I had to cut back the branches to create some space for it. I then removed all the low lying branches beneath 7ft and trimmed a straight edge which created a bowl shape. Ultimately this garden went from being overcrowded, messy and dark to very tidy, spacious, and light. The customer was very pleased with the outcome.
Back Garden New Storage Area
This is was originally a fancy seating area between the house and garage, however it was a large amount of space being unused. This job contained allot of waste due to removing all the wooden beams, Ivy, and overgrown clematis. The large space now is used to store all the children's toys.